
By MarilynParker


Woke with a headache, which persisted and I'm not one for getting headaches. I went to the GP surgery for my BP check and it was the nurse doing it. I expected it to be high and it was raised but not as bad as I thought at 150/72.
Today the sun came out and it was very warm so I made the most of it and did some stuff in the garden. I had to shift cat poo off the front lawn (yuck) before I could apply the weed, feed and moss-killer. I haven't been able to get this for a couple of years as most of the shops were only stocking the types without the weed-killer - supposedly the feeding will make your lawn so good it will keep the weeds away. Rubbish!, This has not worked on our lawns and it has been a losing battle trying to keep the lawns moss-free and weed-free. Hard work too! When I saw the old type of stuff in the shop I snapped it up and today I applied it to both lawns. 
I clocked 10C on the temp outside in full shade about ten past four this afternoon. The benches are now uncovered again, I planted some seeds in the propagator and did a bit of weeding here and there. Had a chinwag to Danielle from next door. Applied some weedkiller spray to the weeds outside our front wall which seem to grow far too well in the tarmac and a bit here and there on the paths but not much.
It rained late afternoon and this evening so it has watered the weed, feed and moss-killer in.
Got my Echocardiogram tomorrow morning, followed by a cut and blow-dry at the hairdresser. I suppose we'll shop in the afternoon due to these appointments.

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