
Temperature around +10. Cloudy in the morning, sunny later. Quite strong wind from the west.

In the morning we had the fourth apartment presentation this week. A bit chilly weather but went by mopeds. Before a half way there was a construction zone that we couldn't bypass by mopeds, we had to go back some distance. I was almost sure we don't get to the appointment in time. But we did. The apartment was nice, but no place to store the mopeds. And not a good place for us to park the car. That's it. We have now got quite a many offers of apartments, but none can offer the place for the mopeds. 

Last summer we had a presentation of the house of apartments whith garages available. It's too far of our allotment garden, but it seems that we have to think about it. Not the best situation. Let's see next week.

In the picture there is an old manor in the place of the presentation today. It functions today as a restaurant, we had lunch in there about fifteen years ago, when we lived near there for half a year, also then because of renovation of our house...

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