
By Incredibish

Tulip Mania

Another quite lovely day, and after a slow and gentle lunch in the back garden we took ourselves down to nearby NT Dyrham Park, to view the tulip fields. 

Not fields of uniform striped colour like they have in Holland... these are grassland meadows where the tulip bulbs previously laid out in the formal gardens are replanted for a show of random colour. Much more to my taste.

Being random, finding the right angle and bunching was great fun, and I spent some time rattling off a few dozen shots alongside others doing likewise. Then it was back home for beer in the sun and more bathroom catalouges...

Not all mania is tulip related... I woke to bird song again this  morning... it's the time of year for open windows. I note today is the sixtieth anniversary of the death of Rachel Carson, and I thank the gods my springs are still not silent, and in part because of her book.

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