
By MrsK277


What a glorious day. Started with a 7min 18° dip without booties or gloves. Not even a wooly hat! I did some chores while FK did school work. I then went for lovely long walk with Heather and Amber. We've not been out for a walk for ages, so it was a good catch up and stop at Central Park for coffee. I encouraged FK to go out for a bike ride when I got back. He still needs convincing that exercise and fresh air are good for the brain, rather than always using his breaks on his phone!
The white wisteria has a lot of blooms to come.
Mum has not been far from my mind these last few days, but my reading this morning helped me to rethink...
"The thread of my loving mercy...reconciles every disagreement, resolves every tension....don't let petty grievances keep you from extending mercy through forgiveness.  There is no better love, than the love that lays down  it's self-protecting armour" We need to both do that.

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