
By Ridgeback13

Country living

We’re in a routine in the mornings with Mx the lark waking early and desperate for his ‘first breakfast’ before Mt and I get our tea and a more leisurely start.
I went up to the shop to buy Sunday lunch things then home and after backwards and forwards texts we decided to go to A’s house rather than her coming here for the day. Slightly tricky morning as H’s sister and her partner were meant to be coming round at 11am and didn’t actually turn up til 12, and AR was extremely fragile after a bad night’s sleep…she’s been coughing a lot all the time she’s been here and ended up waking several times in the night and not getting back to sleep quickly. As a result we had lots of melt downs in the morning! Mt, with the patience of a saint, tried to teach them both how to play UNO but she couldn’t handle the difference between the chance of getting a bad card and the idea of Mx cheating…lots of tears but just pure tiredness (not that she saw it that way of course!). As is always the way when one is acting up, the other is super well behaved, and Mx spent some time advising Mt on how to reformat some slides for a presentation he is preparing. Funny to hear him suggesting cutting down on the text and presenting the numbers differently!
We rather hustled I&S out after a brief chat and drove over to A’s, through classic April showers and they enjoyed spotting the baby lambs in the fields on the way.
Once we arrived I got the dinner that I’d prepped at home into the oven whilst they played with Paisley and did hide and seek around the house.
After our main course we took advantage of a sunny spell to go out for a walk around the village and the football ground and then up the country road at the end of the village. We saw some rare breed sheep (Jacob?) and their lambs, some cows, and two huge hares boxing with each other in the field. Home for rhubarb crumble and custard then Mt, A and I did some sorting of yet more of P’s papers, trying to establish a timeline of his life. Lots of gaps from his early adulthood since he only met my mum in his 50s and although he talked a lot about his childhood and his father being a PoW, he didn’t say a lot about his life from about 25-50 so we’re going to have to rely on the cousins I’ve been winkling out to fill in the gaps! We did find a school report from when he was 6 though, saying he worked very hard and was doing well! Turns out the crematorium we’ll be having the ceremony at is a 20minute walk from where he was born. I like the symmetry of that somehow. Chatted about Mt&A’s memories of him until AR and Mx got bored, then Mt planted the clematis I’d bought A in her garden for her and we came home…both the weans were almost asleep in the car!
Once home we gave them some supper and then got them into bed and we gathered up all their stuff and packed the case before collapsing a bit in front of Sunday night TV. We were both pretty tired and I have a horrible feeling I’ve picked up AR’s bug as my throat’s sore, so I had a hot toddy and we were both in bed before 10!

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