
By Ridgeback13


I didn’t sleep well and then Mx bounded in bang on 6am, already dressed, reminding me we have to be up early for the train. I staggered up and got him his 1st breakfast and took Mt some tea, then had 10mins back in bed drinking it before girding my loins and getting up and showered. Made some snacks up for their journey and 2nd breakfast for Mx, then (only one] breakfast for AR. Mt sorting all the last bits of packing out then we were ready to leave for the station by 7.30…earlier than we’d planned! I drove down to park nearby given the size of their case, then got some coffee and I jumped on my train, leaving them to kill a bit of time before their one. I’m sad to see them go, but given the growing feeling of having a cold I doubt I’d be able to do so much with them if they stayed! Think I need some quiet days to get better…it’s ages since I had a cold or even was ill.
Did some prep reading on the train then straight into the first of three meetings. All went ok but I need to get my head into gear for the away day and Board meeting next week….there’s a lot rumbling under the surface at the moment. After my last meeting I wasn’t really feeling up to staying for the concert so headed back into the rain to the station. Tried to sort the hotel booking on the train but once again no luck…very frustrating, and especially frustrating to have so few options in that part of the country…seems to be a bit of a desert round there!
Luckily sunny by the time I got back to Edinburgh, and home to start on laundry and wrestling again with the hotel booking, the lack of progress on the death certificate (very grateful to the lady in the coroner’s office who finally took a proactive ‘let me sort it out and call you back’ approach, knocking some heads together at the hospital) and more emails with his various cousins. Wrote some lists which helped me straighten my head out, but it feels like the next couple of weeks is going to be very intensive.Mt phoned to say they’d got home ok and the train had all gone smoothly. I suspect they’ll do the trip by train more often as it’s much less hassle than the car for them.
Apart from doing three loads of laundry I didn’t do any clearing up, just didn’t have the energy, so the clutter mounted as I made some comfort food pasta supper and slumped a bit on the sofa then retreated for an early night. A texted to say she’s not felt well today either…she said everyone at work was also sick and she feels rubbish…we’re both wrecks! As you’ll guess this lamb wasn’t something I saw myself today, but VW sent it to me as she’s staying with her brother and went to a farm to cuddle new lambs today…thought a cute blip would be more cheerful than my other option…a pile of laundry!

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