
Woken early by Mx promising to sleep if he came into my bed but then wriggling and chatting as he does…completely unable to stop himself once awake. As he said, his ‘body is just full of energy and can’t help moving’! He was full of funny comments this weekend…yesterday he was convinced he had magic in his hands because the pedestrian lights happened to change immediately he pressed the button, and today he complained he had a headache and urged H to feel his head as he thought his ‘brains were so big they were hurting’ and wanted her to check them over!
We chilled over some tea and pain au chocolats while chatting about the differences between Mt and H in their working styles and level of internal motivation to get on with an unwelcome task. Mt is an extreme version of the opposite of H and me, he is so inner driven and organised he’ll time each element of eating a packed lunch to space it out over a long journey and not be tempted (like most people?!) to just eat the whole thing by about an hour after getting in the car!
I went to M&S to get some new foods to tempt P hoping to help improve his appetite then drove up to see him. Did some cleaning until he woke up and planned out how to improve the layout of the room now his bed is in the living room. After his lunch (the new food didn’t really help appetite wise) I’m not sure how it happened but he started talking again about me controlling his life and just wanting his money. Now his hearing is better with the new aids (although he complained about them and the audiologist too) I didn’t have the time to self censor as I used to have when I had to write my answers on the board, so let him know how I felt about what he was saying and challenged him to give me an example of what I’d supposedly done. Not surprisingly nothing really emerged, apart from evidence of huge confusions (eg not realising I’ve sent him all the receipts of the Sainsbury online shopping and somehow thinking I’m using his money to pay it but not telling him, when actually I’m paying for it all and letting him see the receipts). Oh, all too much detail for here but I was so furious and it was so difficult to manage and just rise above as I know I should! I realise he’s very confused now, and frustrated at his lack of autonomy and I’m hugely sympathetic to both, but his fixation on some specific ideas and events, and complaints of both my over involvement and simultaneously lack of involvement is infuriating and hurtful. Texted A in the midst of it and she listened in on the camera and gave me supportive words and tips for how to respond.
Thankfully Mt&H and the kids and dog arrived shortly after and helped move all the furniture and distract him, and then after they’d done it all I made him some tea and left. Hopefully I’ll have a better time tomorrow with him.
Back to T’s. He was asleep then out to work, and Kt was at her mum’s so I just had a quiet evening with Heston on the sofa. I needed it!

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