
By jennym999

A great Thank You card

Today we looked after the grandchildren as it was an INSET day for their parents. When we went to their house we were given this card…a thank you for the stay in the holiday house in Suffolk last week. A joint effort from the drew the peacock, very appropriate as we saw the peacocks roaming around every day, and the other did the lettering and wrote inside. We were very impressed.

We were going to the WWT at Barnes but changed plans because of the weather forecast…we had a couple of violent storms and lots of strong winds…so we went for a swim at Lensbury and spent an hour in the small warm pool. I think all the other local schools did not have an INSET day as for most of the time we were the only ones in the pool.

After lunch we took Libby for a walk to the playground…again the only ones there which was great. 

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