
By snap_in_my_day

2 weeks Post Surgery...

Another care package from my daughter and Grandchildren... Moo Goo products in readiness for when my wounds have healed and I can start massaging scar tissue to help soften them...

My Bestie picked me up and took me to see my GP who was pleased to see me and was able to look over my wounds which are healing great all except the drain wound which has apparently split open a little and was oozing, so a swab was taken and sent to Pathology to be checked, the nurse then cleaned up the wound, added another Steri-Strip then used a breathable covering and not a waterproof dressing...
2 weeks on and the hospital hasn't even sent him my discharge papers so he actually knows what they did in surgery for 4 hours... So he's chasing the Hospital now for that and Pathology...
I've lost not quite 4kg in 2 weeks...
I visited my Chemist so I could see the pharmacist  for my meds and dressings...

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