Me, you and blip

By margaworld

Forever engraved... an appartment block, made for African workers in Paris!

Took this pic at work today after one of my bosses wrote my name in one of the new walls. Unfortunately I didn't get another photo today, so this one will have to do.

Interesting day today, starting with last night's incredible purchase, a new camera!!!! Not a very fancy one as I don't do fancy cameras (yet), but it's an underwater one, which I'm really excited about using in Greece IN 33 DAYS. I'm thinking of doing my first scuba diving diploma this summer, so having the underwater camera will be super cool. Plus I got payed more than I was expecting, so it was a guilt free indulgence!

Today had a good day at work, clearing, measuring, climbing ladders, fitting window support things, tracing the new ramp location and drinking coffee (more or less). I was supposed to meet my friend Julia at the Amelie coffee shop after work, but she was really late and I'd already made plans to go bouldering later on so had to cancel. Bouldering was great though!!!!! I cycled there and back with Alessandro and we had a good wee session. My hands are rather sore now, but it was worth it. I bought the 10 entry pass so I'll be back soon! On the way back I fell off my bike, because some (pardon me) idiot tourist was standing in the middle of the cycle lane posing for a photo in front of a Paris Sex Shop, near the Moulin Rouge. I was going too fast to stop and tried to swerve him, as he didn't move despite my ferocious bell ringing, so ended up flying off my bike. Thankfully I got away with a badly bruised knee and my hands a bit sorer than before.

Back at Elsa's now, going to get a shower and go to bed I think.

I forgot to mention another fantastic event of today which surprised me in a very good way, my blip from a couple of days ago of a couple walking hand in hand under some trees got shared on the blipphoto facebook page today! I was extremely surprised as generally speaking I don't have many views and also, I know my photos aren't of a particularly high standard. But thank you blip people, it made my day!

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