
By MrsK277


Another glorious sunny day. Joy. Dip for 10mins at 18° still made my body tingle and set me up for the day. It's still pretty windy and in the shade is chilly,  but so good to see blue sky and the garden is bursting with a mass of Montana Clematis, Californian Poppies, bluebells, forget me nots and white Leucojums. The purple wisteria is looking majestic.....I wish the mosaic wisteria looked the same. At the moment, the majority of pieces are waiting to be restuck!!
FK slept in a bit, before doing some work and I made him lunch. He then went off to see Chelmsford City with a couple of mates from last night.
I did a bit of gardening, planting up some pale peach foxgloves I'd grown from seed last year. Procrastinating! 
I decided to make up a small batch of thinset cement and made sure I had the right consistency before using. I watched a YouTube video to make sure, then put it in a bag to pipe. It started off OK, but soon turned into a substance that was un-pipeable! Frustrated and deflated I went to see MrK and his lads for a bit of laughter. It did the trick.
Tomorrow is another day!

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