
By MrsK277


Dip 18° 10mins again. 
Today we had our favourite cavapoo to dog sit. Not sure why I didn't take a shot of him....he'd just had a haircut and groom and looked extra Teddy bearlike! He loves a cuddle and stomach rub and makes a great companion. When FK was ready, we headed out for a lovely long walk through the park, halfway to Writtle and back, stopping at the very busy park cafe for a cooling drink and a doggie ice cream, which he loved. FK then walked him home while I popped to M&S for baking ingredients. Bumped into Julia and Amelia so chatted in the sunshine for a bit with them. 
Buddy was sitting up with FK when I returned home.....we had really wanted to have a dog like this while he was growing up. I think that would have helped, but MrK was dead against it and put his foot down. FK and I still pine for one. We played with him in the garden for a bit, before giving him his afternoon treat, which was a miniature cupcake with a miniature bonio on top. Could have blipped that too.  Dan came to take him home.
 I decided to leave the mosaic today and see it with fresh eyes and ideas tomorrow.
The photo was dwarf tulips in the park that caught my eye.

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