The second half of life..

By twigs

Shedding the coat

Very happy to see that both Monty Jnr and Cuzzie are both still alive and active :D  I had a bit of a moment though when I found Monty hunched up against a shell of what had clearly been a caterpillar.  The thought briefly crossed my mind that he'd eaten Cuzzie!  Then it dawned on me.....he's growing so much with all the leaves he's eating that he needs a new coat so he's slipped out of his too-small one and slipped into a nice new one that is much better fitting.  Bummed to have missed the show (caught the last couple of wiggles as he escaped the old coat) but great to have captured both Monty and his old coat before he ate that too!  And to add to the excitement, I found Cuzzie - he's adopted a fairly static pose which he held for quite some time.....I'm wondering whether he's outgrown his coat and will be squeezing the old one off tomorrow maybe...??  Watch this space (who needs Coro with these little guys around?!)

Also checked out the scene where Mrs Merv appeared to be settling in to birth her egg pod (ootheca) yesterday but no sign of her of her ootheca.  I wonder where she's gone?

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