
By KathyH58

Common eider

Work, then a meeting with a contractor. He needs a couple of hours of help on a job on Tuesday, so we will see how it goes. There are a couple of other properties that he wants my help with, but I said I would need to walk the property to see what needs to be done before I commit to them.

Next was grocery shopping, at both Superstore and Walmart. Then a drive out to Rainbow Haven beach to see if there were any birds around, and there were 4 common eiders, 2 male and 2 female. I stopped to get a burger and sat in the parking lot at McCormack's Beach to eat. A stop at Alderney Landing on the way home to see if anything was moving in the harbor.

I'm still not sure what I am going to do tomorrow. There has been a rare bird in Sandy Cove, which is about a 30 minute drive from here. Saltscapes Expo is on this weekend, it is usually a good one to go to. I haven't been to one since before covid. In the evening I have a pizza party planned for the brunch group.

The weather seems to have taken a turn for the better. It's been mostly sunny all week. There was rain in the forecast for all day tomorrow, now it is not starting till the afternoon.

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