
By JennyOwen

Saturday morning walk

Thanks to all who left greetings for Marianna's birthday yesterday - much appreciated.
Having seen that this morning was forecast to be sunny, I went out very early to visit Woolley Wood. I haven't been there for months, and it's renowned for its bluebells.
With the early sun coming through the trees, it really was a lovely walk.  I think that all the cold wet weather has done the bluebells nothing but good. 
As ever, I find it difficult to do justice to the misty, delicate look of woodland bluebells though. Eventually I went for an experimental approach and tried some double exposures. I thought that combining some of the bluebells with the patterned bark on a tree trunk might produce an interesting effect - somehow merging the bluebells and the surrounding trees, in a semi-abstract way.
It's an experiment I'll try again, as I can see that a bit more thought is needed about the best way to get the two images working and blending together. It was fun to have a go.
Meanwhile, Richard got a cooked breakfast ready for when I got back - and by that time, I was really hungry.
I'm still catching up with journals slowly, after getting home last Monday. But I'm getting there.

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