
By ayearinthelife

Running On Empty

This is the moment my sister crossed the finish line of her fourth - and last! - London Marathon. I wasn’t there, so had to trawl through the iPlayer footage from the finish line camera and then get a photo of the tv screen. Took a few attempts to capture the moment, and the quality is not great, but it was good to watch.
She did it in 2007, 2009 and 2015 but decided she wanted one more crack at it this year. All went well up to about halfway, but she struggled after that and had to walk/run the second half, though she did put on a bit of effort down The Mall and managed to run over the line, a shade under five and a half hours after leaving the start.
Very proud of her, but she’s sworn she’ll never do another one. Though, somewhat worryingly, she is already talking about the two of us doing the Chester 10K next year. Guess I’d better get my running shoes out from under the bed…

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