
By Grammy

The Admiral

It was business as usual here today. Hubby went to the convenience center and then picked up crabgrass preventer for the lawn. I caught up on laundry and housekeeping. While I prepared tomorrow’s dinner entree and today’s lunch, hubby cut and trimmed the lawn. I went out to check my lilacs. They smell heavenly. This Admiral butterfly was enjoying the nectar. It would not cooperate so I could get a view of both wings opened. After lunch we showered and it is almost time to pick up our mother. We will take her to my oldest cousin’s viewing, Parker’s lacrosse game and then to dinner. We are happy she has agreed to get out and about. My sister and BIL are taking a break from painting their rental to join us. Hoping you were able to take a break from your busy day to be with family or friends. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. Maybe I will get to more journals this evening while we are driving from here to there and home again. "Be like a butterfly and a flower— beautiful and sought after, yet unassuming
and gentle." - JAROD KINTZ

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