A photographer's visage

Hand series. Day nineteen.

These are some of the prints I had taken from recent shots. I liked the quality and am encouraged to take a few more soon.

These days there is a kind of strange mental stillness which allows me to focus acutely on any activity, however mundane it might seem. But I have this inkling that underlying it there is some movement that can be briefly glimpsed, something I haven't been able to name or fully understand.

At the end of the day, we got together with a group of photographers from work. We sat by the stairs just outside the main entrance before the fountain. We talked, as the dusk sky rose into a deep crimson and faded off into the blues before disappearing into darkness. We talked about photography, technique, ideas, Canon Vs Nikon (!) and so on. A set of people, though with differing points of view, but passionate about photography. Any collaborative activity might be rather enjoyable.

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