
By Grammy

Painted Lady

Hubby was out the door hours before I woke up. He had no issues and arrived in NC safely. I think he had trouble putting up the tent. His buddy who goes with him broke his crown and will be two days later arriving. After breakfast, I went out to blip my favorite lilac. The weather was so nice that I got my tools together and spent the day pruning and cleaning up my mess. Boy was I glad to shower and sit down. Those trees look great though. While I was out there, butterflies enjoyed the lilac as much as I did. This painted lady stayed with me the longest. I was glad to have my dinner cooked. I’ve washed one load of laundry but otherwise my work is finished for today. I hope you can enjoy a restful evening. Stay safe. Thanks for dropping by. "The butterfly is a flying flower. The flower is a tethered butterfly. - PONCE DENIS

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