The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

Bowood 2013 #16

Since my last visit to Tractor Ted's Little Farm at Bowood, the three piglets had outgrown their pen and been returned to their home farm. In their place, their mother, Gina, had moved in. She was heavily pregnant, and as the previous litter had been five piglets, she was expected to produce a larger litter this time, and at any moment. She was quite uncomfortable and kept getting up, moving around and trying to settle down again.

From there I went on to the entrance of Bowood House to make enquiries about their opening times and availability of coffee and cakes, and having gained the information I continued down to Bowood Lake. As well as a wood duck and a great crested grebe there was a large flock of Canada geese, and another small group comprising three adults and a dozen goslings.

I wondered why there were three geese in attendance, but later learned from the Spotlight Kid that they operate a crèche and that there would have been more than one brood being marshalled by the chosen three geese. I spent half an hour watching them and taking in all the goings on at the lake, taking pictures, before returning to the car at closing time.


Blip #1,012
Consecutive Blip #000
Day #1,184

Geese On The Lake
Goose Crèche
Lakeside Irises

Lenses: Pentax 17-70, Sigma 70-300, Olympus TG-1

Bowood series
Bowood 2013 (Flickr collection)(Work in progress)

Lozarhythm Of Solstice Day:
Matt Berry - Solstice (2013)(audio)
Yes, the same Matt Berry who appears in The IT Crowd, but this shows a completely different side, and I believe he plays all the instruments on this piece.

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