Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

It's Liza Day!!!

Well, don't I feel special today?? I'm a sort of Queen for the Day! They call this Liza Day because on the 4th of July four years ago I came here to live with my moms. I call it The Best Day Ever, even though it was a little traumatic at first! I came all the way from California with our friend Mindy. (I don't know where California is, but it was a long drive.) My older brother Miko lives with her; he comes to visit sometimes, and we play and play! Mom says he'll be visiting us again soon! I can hardly wait!!!

My mom Laurie tells me I was so tiny when I arrived, she was afraid I'd get lost under a leaf! I've grown a lot since then though; in fact I could stand to lose a pound!

Life here is pretty good. I love my moms and our friends and the babies who come here most days; I love our scoots and I love my Moose and I love to cuddle and go for rides and take naps with Mom. I love that it's my job to keep us safe from intruders and to greet visitors!

I love to have my tummy rubbed and my ears scratched, and I love to lick toes and faces (sometimes if I'm quick I sneak in a French kiss, but I find that most people don't like that so much!). I love treats and breakfast and dinner and chasing squirrels and sniffing the ground - well, I could go on and on, but right now it's time for my party! There are celebrations all over the country today, just for me! It's a good thing I'm not afraid of fireworks. Happy Liza Day everyone!

P.S. Not crazy about wearing the crown. When will my people learn?

P.P.S I wish Mom would remember to clean the gunk out of my eyes before she takes a closeup!

Song title challenge: God Save the Queen

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