Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee

I Can See Right Up Your Nose

When Squirrel arrived this morning she snaffled a handful of miniature marshmallows and spent her time throwing them up in the air and catching them in her mouth.
I had a better success rate with getting a shot of her attempts (in the extras).

I did some more wood cutting and even made a couple of small dishes from the Japanese Maple I cut down. They are in the process of being dried in the microwave ..... several short blasts during the course of the day. During the turning I was getting soaked with the water& sap being thrown out.

This afternoon we were round at Bags' for the monsters getting home from school as neither parent were sure when they would be home and Squirrel had martial arts training.

While there I managed to get some shots of the cats (there are 4 shots over here). Can you tell them apart now?.

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