Me and My

Shadow :) Part of the HeartFreek July Photo Challenge

Billy was obliging and decided he would like some treats, and this is Billy and his shadow. I was hoping to do a drawing of this, but I've run out of time and wanted to get my blip posted ;) I was intending to post this on the 2nd but it was raining, so I swapped with Mug shot! Sorry that its yet another Billy shot :)

Thank you so much for all your supportive comments and stars yesterday, the virtual world of blippers are wonderful :) Now I'm playing the waiting game...

Today I had a much needed haircut (another £10 offer :)), did a bit of shopping and had my dressing changed.

This afternoon I've had my feet up and sat in the garden for a while enjoying the sunshine, giving my Vitamin D levels a much needed top-up and popping in to watch the tennis every now and again :)

I would love to be beside the sea today...never mind, I'll get there one day!

I am officially sick for one more day, so I am back at work on Monday, so trying to make the most of the weekend.

Happy Friday folks :)

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