Today's the day

By sheilwill

Young blackbird

Today's the day ...................... to abandon

This little chap/chapess was receiving some food from Mum (who had somehow managed to hang on to the fatballs and gather up a tasty morsel) down on the ground. below the bird feeders.  

When I arrived with my camera, all the birds flew away, including Mrs Blackbird,   Young blackbird looked a bit surprised to find himself all alone with a human - and clearly hadn't got to the bit in the teaching manual which says to avoid them at all costs.  He/she walked around, pretending to be cool and completely in charge of the situation.  I took pity on him/her (after taking the above) and discretely left the scene - at which point, Mum returned and gave him/her a good telling off for not keeping out of trouble. 

Ah well - t'was ever thus .............................!  

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