The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


After much work my little garden and it’s contents are looking hospitable once more…still a little more work to do but Rome wasn’t built in a day, I’ll get there eventually!

This afternoon it was our monthly Sunday shoot…a slightly different take this time but a most enjoyable time was had. One of the members was a geologist in a former life so he’d invited us around for a presentation at his house about the geology of the rock formations in Spittal…then it was a wander along the beach to see everything for ourselves. Tea and cake was provided afterwards…which ended a very convivial afternoon very nicely.

I’d had a flying visit from MC and the wee one before I went out and they took the car to go shopping. MC arrived back the same time as me so I returned him to Berwick and I'm now having a quiet night in.

I found my blip on the beach, presumably washed up with the tide in recent days…it’s definitely seen better days!

Thanks to Marlieske for hosting Derelict Sunday.

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