An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Glasgow via Stirling...

Going by my Facebook feed this morning I think we're the only people on earth who didn't see the Northern Lights last night!  lol!

So lovely to wake up to sunshine.  I was actually awake early enough to be treated to the dawn chorus (just after 4am!) I never feel annoyed when insomnia wakes me at that time in the morning in spring (winter is a different story!) Hearing the birds sing their early morning song is utterly joyful.  Thankfully I did get back to sleep.

This evening we went to our friends Aileen and Jim's for dinner, picking up other friends, Ian and Cathy, along the way.  I & C live in Newton Mearns and A&J in Clarkston, so it was a rare trip to Glasgow for us.  It was such a lovely evening so the journey was very enjoyable.

It's a year to the day since the six of us last had the chance to get together so lots to catch up with.  David, Aileen and Ian were colleagues in the Royal Bank of Scotland many, MANY moons ago and we worked out that we've been getting together (covid years aside) for around 30 years!  

Aileen made a lovely dinner and we sat chatting around the dining table till almost 1am!  Time really does fly when you're enjoying yourself!  :-)

Dropped Ian and Cathy back at home and headed home.  Got home at 2.15am.  Dirty stop outs!  :-)) 

No sign of the Northern Lights. 

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