
By Jamjar

Hawthorn is so pretty, shame about the smell.

An early start as my haircut appointment was at 9am and I'd got to brave rush hour traffic. Nice to have it short short again!

I still haven't got completely sorted out since coming back from Spain, and there are jobs on the list that were on it before I went... like washing the car. There was mossy stuff growing in all the gulleys and the front grill... oh dear, but it's cleaner now.

The email with feedback link attached arrived after lunch. I gave it to her, and 30 minutes later had a reply apologising for using our photos and thanking me for the feedback. 

I walked up to the allotment to water, even though heavy rain is forecast later, overnight and tomorrow, and then carried on my usual circular route rather than walk straight back.

I still want to walk the Anglesey Coast Path and have begun looking into it. I'm definitely not doing an organised trip, guided or self-guided, it costs too much. I want to rent a cottage and shuttle myself and another along it every day.. and if there's no another I'm looking at bussing it back to the car. We'll see.

Where is the rain? I've cut the grass and sprinkled conditioner stuff over it and it needs to get wet before too long.

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