Light entertainment

By annejohn


Gardening once the sun started to come through; leaves to clear, weeds to pull. Found a couple of bugleherb plants (ajuga reptans) flowering. More to do, and there's some cotoneaster than needs to be cut back hard. 

Out to walk in the afternoon - hazy sun and SE wind. Very pleasant at about 17C. Just after I passed these stirks a man stopped his car (a very narrow road and very quiet) to ask if I knew who owned the farm behind them .. I do, sort of .. he was selling agricultural machinery, a local, and that led to a conversation where I got half of his life story and a exercise in remembering the names of the farmers round about and their farms. I've not kept up with the now adult grandchildren of my parents' friends. 

Skylarks and pheasants calling; saw one warbler but couldn't tell which. A single roe deer seemed confused. Also found the newly opened ground for a site for new houses and a new road.  

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