
By Bom

A Drippy Day

It's been raining slightly on and off all day, but with only 2mm of rain in total. So instead of finishing off cleaning the paths, I emptied and tidied 4 more drawers and took another bag of things to the charity shop. I also did a quick half hour of weeding when the rain had virtually stopped. I called one of my sisters about an article on the Martin Lewis website about errors in the State Pension calculation affecting some women on the old state pension system   She's interested in the chicks in my camera nest box, so I then contacted her by FaceTime so she could see them and the parents duly obliged by both turning up to feed the chicks.  This afternoon I had my eighth covid jab - Spikevax this time, which was known as the Moderna vaccine. I took some photos in the little wild garden when I got home, this is Corn Chamomile looking a bit drippy. Within two hours of getting the jab I'm feeling quite sleepy, so will watch some more of S1 of Blue Lights - everyone said it's very good, so I'm watching from the start. . 

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