
By Pinkhairedlady

Larachmohr garden

A lovely warm morning. I finally remembered I had beach water shoes with me and they were great on the beach first thing,

A lovely bacon and egg fry up cooked on the BBQ plate went down a treat before we lazed about enjoying the sunshine. I’ve started yet another project, a ripple blanket for a friend’s baby. A nice colour changing yarn, will blip it in a day or two.

Took the boys up to Larachmohr community garden this afternoon, it’s a blaze of colour. Called into the village pub for a refreshing cider before we headed back to walk the dogs in the beach.

Chickpea curry for dinner.

Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting AbstractThursday. I blipped the sand without checking the theme, lucky!

Our replacement part arrived and is now fitted, hopefully no more issues!

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