The Next Chapter!

By carol_dunham


Finally saw Mum this morning, she was looking very well all things considered. She hadn’t arrived to Berwick until about 10.30pm last night…quite why she had to wait that long we don’t know neither do we know how or where she spent the day! It seems the OT has sent her back just to free up a bed and has put nothing in place to aid her return to a reasonable level of mobility. One of the carers spoke to my sister and I and we’ve got a family meeting with her arranged for Monday morning to set out her care moving forward.

Picked the wee one up from nursery this afternoon and he’s here for the night. He’s been in good fettle for a change though he’s tired out now, just hope I can keep him awake until bedtime! An extra of him in the playhouse/garden shed…he likes me to close the door and lock it, as you can see there’s not much room for playing in it!!

The dianthus was a recent purchase to replace one which didn’t make it over winter.

Thanks to BikerBear for hosting Flower Friday.

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