Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Back to the garden

After downloading my pictures last night the computer mouse stopped operating and this morning the computer won't boot up properly, so I'm having to rely on Mrs M's laptop again.

Overcast to begin with, but getting better throughout the day and by early afternoon it was warm enough to sit outside. Many of my potted plants have put on a lot of growth in the last week, including the rather small blue spike of Echium pininana, which has come into flower and is my Blip today. We saw many of these on the Isle of Man, though a great deal larger than mine. They are definitely borderline hardy here and probably don't like our wet winters.

The runner beans and peas have shot up, so a visit to the Walled Garden is on the cards this week. I must plant the spuds too.

Quote of the Day: “Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.” ― Helen Keller.

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