Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Up on the bank

Today started wonderfully and it seemed likely that we were going to have a warm, sunny day. Unfortunately it didn't last and clouded over by the end of the morning.

We had a visit from a younger squirrel this afternoon, picking up several of the hazel nuts I'd put out on the bank yesterday and taking them off to bury them. I took  several pictures through the window, but they were not as sharp as I would like. I've put one on as an extra anyway.

My Blip today is somewhat of an EB. When I moved to Oban I brought many potted plants with me including some Geranium palmatum. This lovely species is native to Madeira and the Canary Islands and seems to be quite hardy. It seeds around happily and this one is in the fern bed opposite the kitchen window - probably a couple of years old from seed.

Quote of the Day: 'Red squirrels - you don't see many of them since they became extinct.' - Michael Aspel.

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