Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

Change of plan

This morning we decided we were going to go up the Pilatus mountain a few miles outside of Lucerne.  That involved a train ride to the bottom of the cog railway followed by the cog train to the top of the mountain.  At 2,070 metres above sea level it is almost 300 metres higher than the mountain we went up a few days ago.

We got the train to the bottom and went to buy tickets.  However, even with a 50% discount using our Swiss Travel Pass (which covers all main train journeys, boat trips, museum entrances etc.) the cost was eye-wateringly high.  If we had intended to go up and spend the day hiking around most of the trails it might have been worth it but for a trip to the top, look at the view and come back down again?  No thanks.  So we turned around and got the train back to Lucerne.

It's a public holiday today so many places were closed but the weather was beautiful, so we had a stroll along the promenade by the lake and sat admiring the view.  Lots of people out and several people playing Petanque, as shown in my main shot.

An early blip for me as W has an online course that she attends every Monday from 4pm UK time (5pm here) for an hour and a half, so I will leave her to it and have a wander around on my own.  There is quite a nice bar near the hotel so some consumption of beer may be involved!

And the extra?  Well, that's the cog wheel train we could have got......

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