Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


After our exciting day yesterday I slept so badly last night, so when I woke up this morning I felt quite exhausted. It was warm and sunny today and I had an enjoyable walk with Xena in the woods, and near the woods I found this profusion of tall daisies growing so they had to be photographed.

Gavin worked from home today as we had the alarm engineers in as we are switching systems, so he wanted to be home to check it is done to our specifications. It has been an all day job and they are still here and I think planning on coming back tomorrow too.  

My cleaning lady came today and was delighted as she asked and was given our old kitchen dining chairs, it saved us having to find a way to dispose of them. Her son came back this afternoon in his van and loaded up the eight chairs so she was able to transport them to her home. We are thrilled with the new ones and the boys who saw them for the first time this weekend also gave their stamp of approval!

I went to Waitrose to get some groceries and when I was paying at the checkout my bank card was declined twice, which was rather surprising. I paid with a credit card instead and when I got back to the car I immediately got on the phone to my bank to ask why this was the case, and they said because there had already been so many transactions on my account today - what? It turns out my card has been compromised since Friday, and somebody has been using my card for online gambling - there were 37 transactions of small amounts since Friday and because they were small the fraud department were not suspicious, but when the number of transactions eventually registered as numerous and above average it did alert them to possible fraud. I assured the bank that I have no interest in gambling and they could see those transactions were strange for my account - three different gambling websites were used, oh and one payment to Ocado as gambling is hungry work! Thankfully the bank will refund it all and my bank card has been stopped and a new one is on its way to me. 

Tonight is our last camera club meeting of the year, it is our AGM and then this is always followed by a themed competition. This year the theme is 'impressionism' and we each can enter only one entry. It will be fun to see what members have produced for this theme. I have been busy collating the papers for the AGM and will have to take minutes tonight. It will be good to have our season break from camera club until September, although we do have our annual exhibition from next week so that is really the last get together of the club although it takes place at the gallery where the exhibition is being held instead of our usual venue.

It has  been a very busy few days, I will get back to looking at journals from tomorrow.

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