Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Fairy Duster

I could use some fairy dust sprinkled on me!

The highlight of the day has been watching my car finally being towed off to the friendly confines of the auto shop. I tried to start it this morning to go to my nephrology appointment and pfft. I see her every three months like clockwork. I couldn't get another appt until July. Serves me right for not taking care of it earlier. I simply wasn't up to it. Good news for my blip friends, though. I have to stop whining about the car, at least until I get the bill. 

On a positive note, I'm feeling a lot better, relatively speaking. Still dragging but better. Also able to eat a regular diet. So, turkey sandwich for lunch it was. Neighbor on the left just stopped by to get my mailbox key, kindly offering to pick up my mail. She stayed a few minutes to chat, too.

I only had to go as far as my backyard for the blip. Hope you like what I did with it. Had I been able to get out, I knew exactly where I would have gone to get some graffiti, today's theme for Mono Monday. I've been able to spend more time on the computer today, most of it in processing mode. Whew!  I'm out of breath just typing. I'm weird.

I really need an honest opinion about this photo, especially, what can be improved. The larger you can look at it the better. Thanks everyone.

If con is the opposite of pro, does that mean congress is the opposite of progress?

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