Dolly's Day

By dollydoug


Pottered around at home this morning/ early afternoon as I was expecting a phone appointment call from my GP.  Call was booked for 2.30pm but he didn't phone till 3.20pm.  After the consultation he said I had to have a face to face appointment so then I had to wait till a receptionist called back.  That was another 30 mins of waiting.  But I did get an appointment for next week.  I'm due my yearly review with a nurse in June so while I was on the phone I booked that too.

Then I was free to got to the village.  Dropped off a bag of stuff at the charity shop then popped into Herons and Tesco.

The Mono Monday challenge is 'graffiti '.  I wasn't hopeful of finding any while I was in the village - I hadn't see any previously. However as I was passing the alley between the betting shop and Tesco I noticed some graffiti on the wall.  When I converted my shot to mono the graffiti disappeared so I used the infra red option but its still not very good.  Ive put my original colour shot as an Extra.  Thanks to Carolina for hosting.

When I got home I found my Amazon order had been delivered.  I only did the order at 11.50pm last night so that was very quick service ... and I don't have Amazon Prime .

I have been " doing battle " with my Freeview box this evening.  I wanted to watch something I had recorded earlier.... but found that it hadn't been recorded.  And the box wouldn't record the programmes I had already earmarked for recording this  evenening.  So I pulled out all the leads and put them back, did a factory re-set... and it still didn't work.  So I did all that again.... and this time it did work.  Fingers crossed it doesn't got wrong again.

The weather today was dull and quite chilly at times. 

Steps today - 7,960

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