Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Dandelion Seed Head

Lily had another vets appointment today.  It was originally booked for 2.15pm but the vets phoned yesterday and asked if they could change it to 11am as there would be no vets working this afternoon.  So I got up early and hoped that Lily would " play ball " today.  Around 10.25am I started getting organised to try and get her into the bathroom which is the only room I'm able to use to get her into the cat basket.  Anywhere else she would just get loose and hide.  At 10.25am she was outside in the cat enclosure.  A few mins later she wandered indoors for food. She wouldn't come upstairs though.  I did go into the bathroom and call her but she didn't show up.( Tino did though! )  So I just had to phone the vets and cancel.  Of course she was in and out of the bathroom numerous times during the day and it would have been easy to get her in the basket. But the timing was wrong.  So I will go online and make another appointment and see what happens.  Luckily the vets don't mind me cancelling appointments at the last minute. 

Once the vets was a no go I quickly decided to go to Newcastle.  I did intend taking a carrier bag full of blister packs and drop them off at Superdrug but in my haste I forget them.  First stop in town was my bank.  I did a bank transfer to pay The Helping Hands Cat Ladies for visiting in June while I'm away for a few days.  I got some grapes and yoghurt in M & S and then I came home.

After sit down and a cup of coffee I changed the curtains in my bedroom and washed the ones I had taken down. Also cleaned the windows. I sat down later to watch TV and fell asleep for a while.  Tea was salmon and salad and then more TV viewing this evening.  Enjoying Masterchef at the moment.  The final is very near.   Another favourite is back tonight with a new series - The Great British Sewing Bee. 

For Tiny Tuesday I've blipped a dandelion seed head.  I liked the way the fluffy seeds look like a party frock.  Thanks to Incredibish  for hosting Tiny Tuesday

The weather today has been dull again and we even had a bit of rain this morning.  Its quite chilly too.

Steps today - 8,341

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