An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Adoring looks...

Had a lie in after my late night last night :-)

Agnes and Adrian came for lunch then D & Adrian headed off to play golf at the wee nine hole course at Gleneagles (they played it twice :-)

Agnes and I spent the afternoon having a good old natter.  Friends for almost fifty years and still not run out of things to talk about! :-)

D & A returned happy with their golf efforts and we had an easy dinner of cold meats, salad and baked potatoes, followed by strawberries and cream.

After Agnes and Adrian left we watched some rubbish tv and had a final cuppa before bed.  My blip is Lola gazing at D in an effort to persuade him to share his digestive biscuit!  It didn't work. D is like Joey from friends...he doesn't share food!  hahahahaha!

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