
By JennyOwen

Twirling tern

Today's been a lot better than yesterday. Whatever bug I've picked up is beginning to ease off slowly.  Richard's done the shopping; Jack, Ruth & partners have all helped out by picking up the boys (yesterday) and Frieda (today), when I should have been doing it. All being well, I'll be OK to pick up Eben tomorrow afternoon.
So I've been taking it easy, partly by going through the weekend's photos.
This was an amusing discovery: one way to dry one's wings is by twirling all the way round in the air. Looking at these images large, you can see that the bird's flying upside down in the upper image.
I love the way that photographing birds reveals details that you can't easily see otherwise.
With luck it'll be a return to proper "on the day" blips tomorrow.

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