Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


I was up in plenty of time this morning to make scones in time for blipper Annakucat arriving......Cheese, by request.
Her bus arrived from St Andrews more or less right on time and I walked the 50m or so from our house to the bus stop to meet her. The purpose of the meeting - no not just to have coffee and scones-was so that she could deliver a hydrangea which she has been growing from a cutting for me, for the last two years.
We had a good catch up then I drove her to Salisbury Crags via the Arthur's Seat high road, so that she could stretch her legs before doing some shopping.
That road is very soon to be closed to vehicles at all times which I feel is very sad. It will rule out so many people from being able to enjoy that view if they are not fit to walk or cycle up and back down again.
Edinburgh Council is pushing ahead with some very controversial policies just now, unfortunately it would appear that Sustrans, an unelected body, have a lot of say in matters and are driving their own agenda, with financial incentives, with the support of one or two councillors. The latest scheme, to remove all but buses, cycles and taxis from the Bridges and The Mound has just been delayed for a couple of years to allow more research.
When I got home I took Isobel's glasses which were twisted to a most unnatural angle, to the opticians. They need to order her a new pair, fortunately she has two on the go!
The rhododendron in my Blip is on the entrance road to where Katy's family live. There are four of them and they are beautiful just now. I seized the opportunity to grab a picture as almost every time I've gone past, someone has been posing in front of them.
Back home I repotted the hydrangea from Anna, then made a casserole for the girls. I need to get back into the habit of cooking for them.
The weather has been much colder today, I fear we are into a cold spell again. Perhaps that was the motivation behind booking our next trip away in October!

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