An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Symphony in blue...

Alan's new bed was delivered today.  

There was some stress around the timing of NHS Tayside dismantling and removing his old bed and the new one arriving (I had visions of him being without a bed for a few nights!) but it all went smoothly and his new bed was in and built by early afternoon.  It looks amazing and he is very excited about it.

I mentioned yesterday about the outfit I ordered for my nephew's wedding in July and my fear that the matching trousers and top gave off a pyjama vibe.  Well I tried them on today and D really liked the whole outfit and said it did not make him think of PJs.  Phew! 

I also liked it on and I do feel much more weddingy (I don't think that's a word but I am sure the women will get what I mean :-) in it, so I think I am going with it.  It's a beautiful cobalt blue and white, which seems to be a popular colour at the moment, so I was able to find a bag, shoes and hat really easily.  I've not ordered the hat as I want to try any headgear on before committing to it so that will be a fun trip to Glasgow :-)

I had hoped to do some painting in the garden today but time just ran away with me again.  I did have a wander out with a cuppa though as rain arrives this evening and is set to continue, heavily, all day tomorrow.  Drier and warmer weather due to return at the weekend. Hoping the forecast is accurate about that.

Got a text this evening from Alan's support worker Ashleigh to let me know her baby boy - Alfie - arrived on Saturday.  He is absolutely adorable.  She had a difficult birth ending in an emergency Caesarean section but is recovering well.  I look forward to meeting him as soon as she's able to visit.

Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my painting yesterday.  David dropped it off with Agnes and Adrian on his way to his singing rehearsal this evening and thankfully they are delighted with it.  That makes me happy :-)

Blue flowers, blue wedding outfit, and a new baby boy...a real Symphony in Blue

Any excuse for a bit of Kate ;-)

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