An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

You shall have a fishy...

I was having a bit of a lazy Sunday morning when I got a text from my best pal Agnes to say she and her daughter Emily were just heading home from Crieff Hydro after a wee overnight spa stay, and were we free for a quick visit.  That was a lovely surprise.  

I was faffing about in my pjs so that gave me the impetus to get into the shower and get dressed!  I arrived downstairs just as they were coming in the front door.  Perfect timing :-) 

Haven't seen Agnes for a few weeks as we were on holiday and just as we got back they headed off on their holiday, so lots to catch up on.  It was lovely to see Emily too and hear how the wedding plans are going.  Not long now - 18th August!  Sam (groom) Adrian (Emily's dad) and the rest of the men in the wedding party were in Glasgow this afternoon organising their kilts for the wedding.  David's talked about buying a kilt for years and with two weddings coming up (Emily's this year and our nephew Andrew's next year) if he's ever going to do it, now's the time.  I shall nag remind him :-)

Had a lovely catch up with them and agreed some dates with Emily for her and Sam to come for dinner.  She will let me know which date suits best when she checks with Sam this evening.  Can't believe our wee god-daughter is getting married!   Seems like yesterday was her first day of school!

After they left David perused his to-do list and after being told a polite suggestion by me, decided to hang the fishes and seahorses (in extras) in the pool room.  They were part of Alan's Christmas and have been in his bedroom waiting to be hung in the pool room since then, and now at last they are.  D doesn't like to rush into these things!  lol

There is one wall space left in the pool room and my plan is to paint a large  abstract seascape in watercolour, the largest I've ever painted, so I went to the studio and to my delight my head was in the right place and I managed to plan not only the composition, but the colours too.  Looking forward to getting that done.  

Other painting planing work kept me busy for another couple of hours and when I finally emerged I was surprised to find it was after 6pm!  

Cod and chorizo fishcakes for dinner and golf on the telly.  I enjoy it inspite of myself! :-)))

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