Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Light

As BobsBlips' subject for today's WidWed wasn't 'Light', but 'The Light' I decided that gave me permission to go and find something to illustrate how gloomy this horrid wet day has been.  So I went to St Cross, always good for a bit of crumbling mystery, and found these old wheeled tanks/churns in a side passage near the church.  If there was a notice anywhere to say what they'd been used for I didn't see it.  Beer for the Brothers maybe?  Milk for their bedtime Ovaltine?  Who knows..

Thanks Bob, for this fun challenge.

Nothing much else to report for today (for 'nothing much' read 'nothing!').  WFW24 results for last week will be in my journal tomorrow.  Take care of yourselves and have a lovely evening  xx

PS: I should have said earlier - yesterday's dog is (as some of you guessed) a Boston terrier..

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