
By Bom

Definitely a Jigsaw Day

A horrible wet day today with 31.2mm of rain here. So glad I covered my garden furniture with a tarpaulin yesterday afternoon. These are two recent completed jigsaws and I was doing another one today. Yesterday evening I suddenly came down with a bad cold, so a relaxing day was in order, with a bit of paperwork sorting too. I also postponed tomorrow’s meet up at Wicken Fen with a friend. I only ventured into the garden a couple of times to put some live mealworms out for the baby birds. The two biggest chicks in the nest box finally got out of the nest bowl and started wing flapping, perhaps another couple of days until these two fledge. The others will get a bit more food then! 

I was also listening to Paula Vennells give her evidence to the PO inquiry - at the very best she was incompetent in not asking enough probing questions and challenging the responses. I still suspect a cover up. As an internal auditor by profession, one thing most auditors hated doing was giving a one word rating for each audit report, but it was what the Audit Committee wanted.  Listening to PV not understanding the implications of what she read or was told, I am even more convinced that a rating or table of ratings is the right thing to do. I attended so many end of audit meetings where the senior exec / director listened to all the findings, thought it had all gone well, then I told them the rating and they were shocked as they clearly didn’t understand the significance of the findings. And then the election was announced for 4th July…….but Wimbledon is on! :)

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