Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Guardian

This pair of tree swallows means business and it seems that one or the other of them are guarding the nest box at all times.  And they can't be blamed since the male house wren is still advertising for girlfriends and would gladly take over the nest if allowed.  I'm confident in the swallows' ability to fend him off, though.  This is the male again; the female was swooping around catching insects in mid-flight.  

It is unseasonably hot out today with temps in the mid 80's and not a cloud in the sky.  This means that the bird activity at the feeders is slower than usual and the insect activity is robust.  Unfortunately, it is rather uncomfortable lurking in the garden under an unrelenting sun today, so I grabbed this shot and called it done.

I went to have my hair trimmed and fixed today.  Last time I got it cut, the girl who did it kind of butchered the layers so I asked to have them fixed this time.  The girl who did it today took pictures of the existing cut and proceeded to tidy everything up.  The result is that my hair is now too short to even think about putting it in a ponytail - oh well..  No big thing.

We watched "The Fifth Estate" last night which is the story of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks.  Although the story itself is quite interesting, the movie was choppy and hard to follow at times and neither of us thought it was very good.  

Tomorrow morning I'm off to get all my annual breast scans done as well as bone density.  Since having cancer three years ago, nothing about annual screening feels "routine" anymore and there is a fairly high level of anxiety happening right now.  That said, I have no reason to suspect anything other than a good result.  Still, it will be good to get it behind me.  

Stocked up on my dark chocolate stash today and enjoyed a square of dark with orange.  Very tasty.


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