Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Tiger Crane Fly

Frequently mistaken for freakishly large mosquitos, crane flies are actually quite benign.  They also tend to be very skittish - not surprising considering that this is prime nesting season for insectivore birds!  I was prowling around the garden this afternoon when the motion of it flying in caught my eye.  As luck would have it, it landed near enough that I could slowly inch forward to get in shooting range.  Three shots and then it took off.  Which was fine because it was hot out by then.

I was at the hospital for a couple of hours this morning getting all the images, etc done.  Because I've had my prior mammograms, ultrasounds and bone density done at a different facility, I had to bring the last 5 years of scans with me.  The radiologist will need time to compare past to current images so I won't get the results until next week.  However, the young woman who did my ultrasound said things looked good to her.  Normally the technicians won't divulge any such information, but we'd had a delightful conversation about our respective dogs, including looking at pics, so I think we bonded.  Anyway, I am not going to worry about it.  I will get the results when I'm in OR next week.

We had thunderstorms this morning, along with some heavy rain.  Now the sun is out.  I had hoped that the rain would subdue some of the pollen that's been wreaking havoc with those of us who have allergies - no such luck!  

Last night we watched "Champions" with Woody Harrelson and really enjoyed it.  It managed to be both funny and very heartwarming.  

Dark with sea salt today.


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