*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Day 13: Fab-brew-lus!

Went for a coffee in Roadwater this morning. For such a tiny place the village stores/cafe has a constant stream of people going in which is nice to see in this day and age.

Afterwards we went to Wimbleball Lake as it was mentioned in the welcome pack at the house and thought it might be somewhere I remembered going when I was little. Anyway, the satnav seemed to be trying to get us killed and took us literally down farm tracks! Eventually got there and didn't recognise anything about it hehe. Oh well, it was an adventure.

Went to Winsford afterwards, such a pretty place (main photo). The last few times we've visited the village The Royal Oak has been closed, but not today. Yay! Had some Porlock cider which was lovely and the pub was just as nice as I remembered from about 35 years ago. Added an extra of the sign outside which made me smile, especially the very last line.

Chilled when we got back and then had a chippy tea :-)

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