Journey Through Time

By Sue

Something Hot

I went for a little walk today and got this bright colored flower called a Blanket Flower. Don't know if it's because it blankets the ground when it spreads or if it is because it looks like a blanket design. I did get a few more of the hummer, but thought you needed a break from her. If the male would show up with his red head, then that would be fun.

I read a bit, sitting outside. I watered some flowers. I snacked. Bill came home a bit earlier than usual and is napping. News is coming on with the recent tragedies/accidents in Quebec and San Francisco. Better go catch up I guess.

See ya later

Edit: Information on this flower:

Blanket flowers (Gaillardia) are wonderfully cheerful, long-blooming plants for hot, sunny gardens. They produce single or double daisy flowers through most of the summer and well into fall. The light brick red ray flowers are tipped with yellow -- the colors of Mexican blankets.
Blanket flowers tolerate light frost and are seldom eaten by deer. Deadhead the flowers to keep them blooming consistently through the summer and into fall. Some species tend to be short-lived, especially if the soil is not well drained.

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