
By MumOf4Wildlings

New friend.

Check out the Jedi's outfit this morning.  He turned his dad's occupational therapy sliding blanket thing into a pirate jacket.  I love his imagination.  

This government needs a kick up it's ass. There is shortages of certain medication for people with adhd and complex needs. And my student hasn't had his meds in weeks. Today was not a good day. I can handle a lot of outbursts from my student but today was the worst it's ever been . They had to be taken off of me . I have a lot of wounds. I actually cried full on proper tears from the shock of it all , and I left him with other staff for 10 minutes so I could calm down. I feel emotionally exhausted.  

We were planning on going to cheerleading tonight but the wildlings got home from school and declared that their friends were going to dalscone.  So that's what we did. Played in the rain for a while. 

I'm tempted to go for another run tonight to clear my head when the wildlings are in bed. And have tomorrow as a rest day. 

I'm off blip tonight as I need to just decompress everything.  Apologies 

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